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As part of our Sustainability Framework, we're working to make a positive impact on the destinations we visit - helping make a destination better than we found it.

Our Social Contribution for Global Gathering in Bali was to build a Community Hub in the village of Manggis within the Kaura Community Retreat, which we brought to life by working closely with Discova. As part of this we created a Learning Hub for young Balinese children which was equipped with donations from our wonderful FCTG employees.

The Learning Centre has been up and running now for several months, and focuses on sustainable development, teaching environmental conservation, art, languages, computers and skills that support the children's learning outside of school classes.

Classes are being run daily, with 88 children from the village registered. There are also classes for women that focuses on fusion of culinary knowledge and conversational english with the primary objective to contribute to self-development, fostering confidence and knowledge.

Discova’s Managing Director Suyin Lee had the opportunity to see the classes in person. “The villagers are so excited for their Community Centre and Learning Hub,” she said.

“After 90 minutes the children didn’t want to leave. We played a game where the kids could talk about their hobbies, and 50% said their hobby is playing football.”

Global Sustainability Officer Michelle Degenhardt said the Community Centre and Learning Hub will have a long-lasting positive impact on the village of Manggis. For the Global Gathering attendees, to know they were part of something so impactful, it made an incredible event, even better. It is also great to see us broaden our perspective of

sustainability and understand that social sustainability is also a priority for Flight Centre in addition to environmental sustainability.